floor division operator

To calculate the floor division, we should use // operator.

Floor in Mathematics

floor(x) = The largest integer which is less than or equal to x.

floor(4) = 4

floor(4.5) = 4

floor(4.9) = 4

Need of floor division

In Python, the normal division always returns a float value. i.e with fractional part.


10 / 2 will return 5.0.

20 / 5 will return 4.0


#normal division always returns a float value


Floor division

If we expect integer result from the division operation, we should use // operator (floor division operator).


#Floor division in python

#Normal division
print(5 / 2)    #it will return 2.5

#Floor division
print(5 // 2)   #it will return 2

Basically, it removes the fractional part from the result of a normal division.